Fasting and Exercise: How to Maximize Your Performance

Posted in Blog, Fitness, Nutrition and tagged fasting, nutrition and exercise, nutrition tips

A balanced diet rich in nutrients should be a part of your daily routine if you want to perform well in whatever you do. Especially when you exercise, nutrition is the foundation to start your day with the right energy.

During fasting periods like this one, the combination of daily diet and exercise might be a bit more challenging, so it's important to ensure the necessary nutrients for your body with a proper plan. Holmes Place Nutritionists suggest 4 valuable tips to be able to perform at your best during your workout in case you're fasting.

1.Plan Your Meals

For optimal performance in your workout during fasting periods, it's essential to plan your meals and vary the foods you choose to combine. It's important to have a balanced diet, incorporating whole grains, legumes, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

2.Consume Plenty of Water

Hydration is vital throughout the day, especially when exercising. Regardless of fasting, you should consume large amounts of water to avoid dehydration. Remember to avoid reaching the point where you feel thirsty. Also, you can add water-rich foods to your diet, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, zucchini, and fruits.

For personalized nutrition advice & dietary programs, contact our Nutritionists. Learn more HERE.

3.Increase Protein Intake

Protein is a key nutrient in a complete diet, and those who exercise need even more protein daily. Choosing protein in your diet is necessary for repairing muscle micro-damage, supporting muscle growth, and meeting energy needs.

4.Add Healthy Fats

You might wonder about fats and whether they can be healthy. Including good fats in your diet when exercising will give you extra energy, reduce inflammation, and improve brain function. So yes, there are good fats, and they do benefit your health. Such foods include avocado, olives, olive oil, sesame oil, or nuts.

To maintain your performance, energy, and mood during exercise while fasting, try incorporating the above nutritional tips into your daily life. Before your week starts, create a daily meal plan, and organize your time and weekly goals. By monitoring your plan, you'll know exactly what to do and whether you're close to your goals or not.

Posted in Blog, Fitness, Nutrition and tagged fasting, nutrition and exercise, nutrition tips.